
You may assume that the powdered infant formula you feed your newborn is safe. Unfortunately, it is not always so. There have been cases in which feeding infants powdered formula has resulted in infections with Cronobacter, a type of bacteria that is found naturally and can live in dried foods. If your baby suffered from a Cronobacter sakazakii infection because she consumed Similac PM 60/40 powdered formula from a recalled lot or other powdered formula, you should call the seasoned Chicago product liability lawyers of Moll Law Group. While we are based in Chicago, we represent clients all over the country in product liability claims. Billions have been recovered in lawsuits with which we’ve been involved.
Call the Chicago-Based Lawyers of Moll Law Group About Cronobacter Sakazakii Infection ClaimsCronobacter sakazakii infections can result in sepsis or make linings around the spinal cord or brain swell with meningitis; infants that are younger than 2 months— often only a few days or weeks old—are most likely to develop meningitis due to a Cronobacter infection. However, doctors are not required to report cases in most states, even though infections in infants are deadly.
This type of infection can be detected in a baby’s blood or cerebrospinal fluid. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) don’t recommend testing infants unless they have symptoms of sepsis or meningitis, even if they’ve consumed recalled formula.
If your baby was harmed by a Cronobacter infection, you may have grounds to bring a product liability lawsuit for damages. Formula may get contaminated if contamination raw materials were used to make the formula or if it touched a contaminated surface in the factory while being made. Formula may also become contaminated at home. Lawsuits may be brought in connection with design, manufacturing, or marketing defects.
Recall of Similac PMThe CDC has received notifications of multiple Cronobacter cases in infants and has launched an investigation. On February 10, 2022, the CDC was notified of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) investigation of consumer complaints of infant illness related to products from Abbott Nutrition in Sturgis, Michigan. On February 16th, the CDC asked officials for further information about infections associated with infant formula from November 2020 to the present. Another instance of Cronobacter infection was discovered in an infant who had consumed formula made in the Michigan facility.
In response to these incidents, in February of 2022, manufacturer Abbott Nutrition recalled powdered infant formula Lot # 27032K80 (can) / Lot # 27032K800 (case). The formula in question was made in Michigan. Other lots of Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare powdered formula were also recalled in the same month.
As a parent of a newborn, it’s important to look at the codes on the bottom of your powdered formula package to find out whether your particular product was affected by the recall. It is also possible to check on the company’s website to check whether your unit came from the recalled lot. Recalled products from Similac, Alimentum and EleCare all have codes whose first two digits are 22 -37 and a mark of “Z2” or “SH” or “K8” on the container. The date by which the formula is supposed to be used on April 1, 2022, or later.
It is crucial not to feed your baby any recalled formula once you identify it. However, you may also be wondering what you can do if your baby was already infected or died and you believe it was because of the affected, recalled formula. If your baby has symptoms of Cronobacter, such as low energy, fever, excessive crying, or poor feeding, you should call his or her pediatrician. You may have grounds to bring a product liability claim against a manufacturer if your child suffered an infection or was otherwise harmed due to powdered infant formula. When a child dies as the result of consuming formula contaminated with Cronobacter, it may be appropriate to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit.
Consult a Seasoned Chicago Product Liability AttorneyIt is a tragedy when an infant suffers from a preventable infection and is hospitalized. If your baby was harmed or died as a result of a Cronobacter infection, you should talk to the experienced Chicago-based product liability lawyers of Moll Law Group about a potential claim. We represent newborns and their families all across the country. Please complete our online form or give us a call at 312.462.1700.