Crib Safety

Attorneys Representing Parents Nationwide in Child Injury Claims
Parents assume that their infants are safe sleeping in their cribs, but sometimes cribs are dangerously defective. To make sure your baby is safe, you should keep up to date on the Consumer Product Safety Commission Crib Recall list and follow recommended practices for crib safety, which include never placing pillows or quilts in the crib, using a firm, tight-fitting mattress, securely fastening hardware, checking for loose slats, and never putting the crib near window blinds. If you believe your infant was hurt due to a defective crib, you should consult the child injury lawyers at Moll Law Group for guidance. Our crib defect injury lawyers represent parents nationwide in pursuing compensation for defective cribs that cause harm to their children, and billions of dollars have been recovered in cases in which we have been involved.
Holding a Manufacturer Accountable for Defective Cribs
Federal safety standards govern how cribs are designed and made. For example, drop side cribs are no longer permitted, slats must be made of a strong wood, and anti-loosening devices need to be used to keep the crib's hardware from coming apart. Crib recalls often indicate that there is a serious problem with the product. If your child is hurt in his or her crib, you may have grounds for a products liability lawsuit.
You need to plead and prove that your particular crib was defective and that the defect caused your child's injury or death. There are three types of defects: manufacturing, design, and marketing defects. Manufacturing defects are those that exist in only one or a small number of specimens from a product line. Design defects tend to exist in every specimen from a particular line. The flaws are usually depicted in the design plans and specifications for the crib. Marketing defects exist in instructional products and warnings. Your crib defect injury lawyer would also need to show that you used the crib in the way it was intended or in a way that would have been foreseeable to the manufacturer.
Different theories of liability may apply to a defective crib case, including breach of warranty, negligence, and strict liability. Under a strict liability theory, you need to show that the crib was unreasonably dangerous, the defect existed when the crib left the manufacturer, and your child's injuries were caused by the defect. Whichever theory of liability is used, your attorney needs to retain experts to offer opinions about the defect, causation, any alternative designs, and damages.
An unsafe crib can lead to serious injuries or death. If you prove your case, you may be able to recover compensatory damages, such as medical bills, long-term care, mental anguish, and pain and suffering. If your child has passed away, damages may be available for your emotional trauma and lost relationship with your child.
Protect Your Rights by Contacting a Crib Defect Injury Attorney
If your baby is hurt due to a defective crib, the products liability attorneys at Moll Law Group are available to represent you in seeking damages. We advocate for injured individuals and their loved ones in states such as California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, New York, Texas, and Michigan. Call us at 312-462-1700 or use our online form to set up a free consultation with a crib defect injury attorney.