Depo Provera
Millions of women around the world take progestogens for contraceptive purposes. Sometimes those who suffer endometriosis also take these hormone pharmaceuticals. In the last year, studies have demonstrated that use of the birth control drug Depo Provera and other progestogen-based pharmaceuticals is linked to significant cancer risks. Specifically, taking such medications has been linked a higher chance of brain tumors, according to a French study. Moreover, there is an increased risk of breast cancer. Moll Law Group’s trustworthy Chicago-based dangerous drug attorneys may be able to represent you, if you are anywhere in the country and have a Depo Provera claim. Billions have been recovered in cases with which we’ve been involved.
Synthetic progestogens are like the natural hormone progesterone, and they’re commonly prescribed for PCOS, endometriosis, and for menopause hormone replacement.
Those who take Depo Provera for more than a year may have a higher risk of developing meningioma, which are typically noncancerous tumors or growths in their brain tissue. However, a leading expert has stated that the heightened risk is extremely small, and that most women don’t have something to be worried about.
Progestogens operate similarly to the natural hormone progesterone. They are used in contraceptives, for gynecological conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, and in hormone replacement therapies used during the menopause.
Authored by France’s National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety researchers, the most recent observational study published in the BMJ says that there are several high dose progestogens that are associated with a higher risk of meningioma. Causality has not been established. The researchers found 18,061 women—they were 58 years old on average—who had surgical removal of intracranial meningiomas from 2009-2018. These cases were compared with matched controls who were healthy; researchers discovered that if a patient used Depo Provera for more than 12 months, they needed surgery. Meningiomas typically grow slowly, but they still may need surgical removal because they place pressure on the brain. While the tumor itself might not be life-endangering, brain surgery can carry substantial risks, not least of which is damage to areas adjacent to the tumor site(s).
The study indicated that both medrogestone and promegestone pills were also linked to a greater risk of meningioma (4.1 and 2.7-fold risks.) Depo Provera is medroxyprgesterone acetate; it came with a 5.6 fold higher risk of developing meningioma. However, no heightened risk was associated with progestore, dydrogesterone, or other hormonal intrauterine systems that are commonly used.
If you have already suffered from meningioma and believe it may have been due to Depo Provera or another progestogen, you should consult our Chicago-based lawyers about whether you have a viable product liability claim. These claims are brought when a person is injured by a defective product.
Attorneys for Product Liability LawsuitsProducts may be defective in terms of their manufacturing, design, or marketing. Typically, manufacturing defects are one-off problems with a unit or a batch of units. In the case of Depo Provera, it’s more likely, based on the nature of the injuries, that there would be a design or marketing defect. Design defects are flaws in the formulation of the drug that make it unreasonably dangerous. Marketing defects can include any flaws that exist in informational materials; the most common marketing defect is failure to warn.
When we are able to establish liability, we may be able to recover compensation for both economic and noneconomic losses that arise from a client’s cancer.
Consult a Seasoned Depo Provera LawyerBrain tumors can be devastating. If you were harmed or a loved died from a brain tumor that you attribute to Depo Provera, you should call us to figure out your legal options. Each case is unique, and it’s important to consult seasoned dangerous drug attorneys. Ours are Chicago-based, but we represent clients around the country. Please complete our online form or call us at 312.462.1700.