Spring 2017 - Recipients
Spring 2017 - Finalists
Fall 2016 - Recipients
Fall 2016 - Finalists
Spring 2016 - Recipients
Spring 2016 - Finalists

Moll Law Group College Scholarship Award
Moll Law Group wishes to support and recognize exceptional college students across the nation. In furtherance of its commitment to provide safety information in order to prevent further injuries and death, Moll Law Group is offering periodic $1,000 scholarships to the college student who submits the top safety information essay on a topic that furthers our injury prevention goal.
Scholarship Award
A one-time, non-renewable, $1,000 scholarship for payment of college tuition or associated costs.
- Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident of the United States.
- Must be a current full-time student attending an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, community college or graduate program.
- Must complete and sign the Moll Law Group College Scholarship Award Application and submit all supporting documentation by the deadline dates and times.
- Must submit a written essay pursuant to the established guidelines and deadline dates and times.
Application Deadlines
Spring Scholarship: temporarily suspended.
Fall Scholarship: temporarily suspended.
- All applicant submissions must be received by the deadline date;
- Finalists will be chosen within one week following the deadline date. Moll Law Group will announce the names and post the essays of all Finalists publicly on our Moll Law Group website, Moll Law Group Blogs - Illinois Injury Lawyer Blog and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog, our very own Legal News Network® and on our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.);
- Applicants may seek likes, shares and comments to its submission on Moll Law Group social media platforms;
- The winner’s name and essay will be posted on its website, blog and social media pages within one week following the finalists submission date.
Essay Topic and Requirements
- Essays must be submitted with a completed and signed Application with supporting documentation by the deadline dates and times;
- Essays must be 1,000–1,500 words and submitted via email to in Word format;
- Essay topic may be found on the Application;
- Each Applicant is limited to one submission per contest.
Finalists and Recipients
Finalists and Recipients will be chosen at the sole discretion of Moll Law Group Selection Committee. Finalists may promote their submissions on Moll Law Group website, blogs and social media networks. Moll Law Group will consider the most combined “likes,” “shares” and comments on its Facebook page as well as all comments on all of its social media platforms when selecting the Recipients.
The Moll Law Group Selection Committee intends to provide a fair and equal process for all applicants meeting the requirements. The selection committee has the right to refuse any application, supporting documentation or essay for any reason or no reason that in the opinion of the selection committee does not meet the requirements of the application process. The Finalists and Recipients of the contest will be decided by Moll Law Group Selection Committee and will only be decided amongst the applicants that meet the requirements and deadline dates and times.
Privacy Notice
By submitting your essay to Moll Law Group, you grant all copyright ownership of the essay to Moll Law Group and give permission to Moll Law Group to post your essay (or portions thereof) for any marketing purposes. Finalists and winners are selected at the sole discretion of Moll Law Group Selection Committee.
Questions about the Moll Law Group College Scholarship should be addressed to