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chest-of-drawers-3779628_1280-e1636343849461Chicago parents should remain alert to the possibility of furniture tip-overs. Certain dressers are not safe or carry a great hazard of tip-overs. A child can be quickly and silently crushed beneath dressers. Parents or other caregivers may not hear their cries, or they may not even have time to cry before suffering fatal injuries. Recently the Nova Series 5-Drawer Chest, Model B1428-10 was recalled by Magnussen Home Furnishings, Inc. of Riverside. Like many other chests, the recalled ones are unstable when they aren’t anchored to the wall, which means they present tip-over and entrapment hazards that can lead to a child’s serious injuries or even death.

The recalled Nova Series chests of drawers don’t comply with performance requirements set forth by the voluntary industry standard ASTM F2057-19. They are 54-inch brown dressers with walnut veneers. They were made between August 2009 – August 2015. They measure 18 inches deep and 40 inches wide.

You can check your dresser for a label on the back in the top left-hand corner. This label should incorporate both the month and year of manufacture as well as the model number. The recalled units have date codes that represent August 2009 and August 2015: AG09 and AG15.

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gas-stove-g3abb9de64_640This past summer, a woman and her son filed a lawsuit after a 10-quart Tristar Power Pressure Cooker XL exploded and caused them serious injuries and damages. After seeing the manufacturer’s infomercial, a woman had bought the pressure cooker to gift her daughter for Christmas. There have been many complaints about this particular pressure cooker. If you were burned by the explosion of a Tristar Power Pressure Cooker XL, you should give the experienced Chicago product liability attorneys of the Moll Law Group a call.

Tristar pressure cookers are made to permit pressurization and depressurization through the deployment of an independent floating valve, manual release valve, locking pin, locking lugs, and a silicone gasket. The manufacturer Zhongshan Jinguang Appliance Manufacture Company, Ltd., sold it to Cheer Master, a third-party vendor, who sold the pressure cooker to Tristar, which shipped it into the country. Prior to selling the cookers, Tristar claims, it participated in the manufacturer’s tests for reliability and efficiency.

The design of the power pressure cooker is such that the unit shouldn’t pressurize until the lid is locked. This allows the float valve to rise and secure pressure within before interacting with the locking pin and strike plate to stop the lid’s removal. Tristar advertised it as the easiest cooker to use due to its built-in safety features. Unfortunately, several people have not found the pressure cooker to be safe at all.

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kitchen-490017_640Last year, a woman who was trying to make beans in a Crock-Pot 6-Quart Express Crock Multi-Cooker pressure cooker was left with second and third-degree burns on her arms, chest, and face. She reported that the way the pressure cooker was sitting, it hit the cupboard and flew across the kitchen. Hot liquid exploded everywhere. The accident happened quickly, so that there was no time to protect herself. She reported that the pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. The pressure cooker was later recalled, model number SCCPPC600-V1. At the Moll Law Group, our seasoned Chicago pressure cooker lawyers may be able to help you recover damages in a lawsuit if you are harmed by the explosion of a defective product in the kitchen.

After the explosion, the woman’s mother called 911. Her recovery took more than a year. In that time period, doctors needed to use five square feet of cadaver skin grafts to treat the burned regions.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) explained that a cooker may pressurize when the lid isn’t completely locked. This can result in the lid separating from the device and flying off. When there’s hot liquid inside, it presents a serious burn risk. The CPSC received 119 reports that the lid had detached; these incidents caused 99 burn injuries, ranging in severity to third-degree burns. Disturbingly, customer reviews also specified this issue.

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bedroom-670249_1280-300x200October is National Window Covering Safety Month. Tragically, children have silently suffered catastrophic injuries or strangled to death on cords for window coverings like blinds and drapes. It doesn’t take much time for a child to get a cord caught around his or her neck. As a matter of safety, it is wise for parents and caregivers to install cordless blinds. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently advised consumers to buy and install cordless window coverings in those rooms where their children are. It is expected the CPSC will issue a new rule to regulate corded window coverings that are stock items, though custom items will likely remain unaddressed.

Generally, you can buy a cordless window covering at most major retailers and online retailers. Many of these are quite affordable. Certain safety steps should be taken if you can’t replace your existing corded blinds. The cords that remain should be made as short as feasible to keep them out of reach of children. Cords that cannot be made any shorter should be tucked out of reach or anchored to the wall. Stops should be properly adjusted to stop the inner lift cords from moving. A baby’s crib or child’s bed should be moved away from both the window and any cords that are attached to window coverings.

The CPSC has reported that around 9 children who are five or younger died every year when strangled by the cords on window coverings. Children as old as 8 have also been at risk of strangulation hazards; there were 200 incidents from January 2009 – December 2020.

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woman-1845311_640-e1633453576734Fall Hazards with Antigravity Chairs

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently announced Kohl’s recall of SONOMA Goods For Life-branded Ultimate Oversized Antigravity Chairs. Kohl’s stores sold the chairs from January 2019- June 2021 for around $240. The chairs come in various colors. They are built with aluminum frames and legs, fabric backs, and removable head pillows fixed in place with Velcro. A tag is sewed into the fabric on the chair’s seat. Consumers were told to stop using recalled chairs and return them to the store. If you were injured in a fall due to an antigravity chair, you should discuss what happened with the experienced Chicago product liability attorneys of the Moll Law Group. Billions of dollars have been recovered in litigation with which we’ve been involved.

Fall Hazards Arising Out of Antigravity Chairs

Prior to the recall, there were 18 reports made to Kohl’s of the antigravity chairs breaking or collapsing. In two instances, users received minor injuries. As a consumer, you should stop using the recalled antigravity chairs immediately and bring them back to the store. If you have a receipt, you can get a full refund. You will get store credit if you don’t have a receipt.

Product Liability Lawsuits

If you were injured in an antigravity chair, you may be able to recover damages. Each state follows its own rules regarding which theories may be used to pursue damages. Product liability lawsuits tend to be complex, which is why it is critical to retain a lawyer with experience in this practice area.

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magnets-113315_1280-300x225Children in Chicago and elsewhere are often extremely curious. They may put things in their mouths that are dangerous or should not be consumed. Among the many attractive products that may intrigue kids are magnets, whether refrigerator magnets or magnetic spheres or toys that contain magnets. They may be drawn by a bright color or by a toy’s magnetic properties. In August 2021, Zen Magnets and Neoballs Magnets were recalled because they posed an ingestion hazard. If you suspect your child has swallowed a magnet or more than one magnet, it is crucial to take him or her to receive emergency care. You may be concerned about the bills. Many families do not have enough money to cover the hospital bills or care required by the injuries suffered due to magnets. You should discuss what happened with the experienced Chicago attorneys of the Moll Law Group. Billions have been recovered in cases with which we’ve been involved.

Recall of Zen Magnets and Neoballs Magnets

When a child swallows two or more high-powered magnets, whether accidentally or intentionally, the magnets that were consumed may be attracted to each other or a different metal object. They could become lodged in the child’s digestive system. The presence of the magnets can result in twisting or blockage of the intestines, along with blood poisoning and death.

The mandatory recall involved both Zen Magnets and Neoballs magnets, which are highly powerful spherical magnets that are 5 mm in diameter.  Neoballs are sold in a range of colors, including green, red, purple, blue, silver, gold, and orange. They were packaged with “Neoballs’ or “Zen Magnets” printed on the package. In total, around 10 million magnets, packaged individually and in sets, were recalled.

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baby-784609_640-300x199The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently announced an alarming recall of which Chicago parents and parents around the country should be aware. The Boppy company recalled more than 3 million loungers for infants and newborns based on suffocation risks. The recalled lines include Pottery Barn Kids Boppy Newborn Loungers, Boppy Preferred Newborn Loungers, and Original Newborn Loungers. If your baby was suffocated and suffered injuries or death while using a Boppy lounger, you should call the experienced Chicago child injury attorneys of the Moll Law Firm about whether you have a case against the manufacturer or others in the chain of distribution.

Risk of Suffocation

Babies can be suffocated when placed in a Boppy or another infant lounger in a position that allows them to move or roll. They can also suffocate if they roll off a lounger onto another surface such as soft bedding or pillows on an adult bed. According to the CPSC, between December 2015 and June 2020, 8 infants suffocated after they were set on their stomachs, sides, or backs in Boppy loungers. They were discovered lying on their stomachs or sides.

Three million loungers for infants and newborns were recalled on September 23. In the United States, 3.3 million loungers have been sold in the United States. In Canada, Boppy sold 35,000 of these loungers. The loungers cost between $30-$44. They were sold January 2004 – September 2021.

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cooking-4299302_1280-300x199Parents in Chicago and around the country should be aware that recently, Ryan and Rose recalled the Cutie Spoovel utensil. The Cutie Spoovel is a transitional tool little kids use to eat, and it can present a danger. The handle of the Cutie Spoovel utensil can break off; this results in the release of small parts, posing a choking hazard for young children. The tool comes in two colors and is fashioned from a plastic core sheathed in silicone. The back of the spoon identifies the utensil as made by “Cutie Spoovel” and RR is printed on the handle back.

The manufacturer received three separate reports that the Cutie Spoovel utensil’s handle broke when a child bit down on it. Neither injuries nor choking have been reported. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) advised all recalled utensils should be removed from children. They should be disposed. The company can be contacted for either a full refund or a $20 shop credit.

In addition, if your child suffered injuries because of a Cutie Spoovel or other utensil for children, you may be able to recover damages in a product liability lawsuit. These lawsuits are brought when a person who used the product is injured by a defect in it. You and your child might be able to recover compensation if your child was injured by a defective Cutie Spoovel utensil or another child tool.

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Thousands of children are vulnerable to injury in connection with conditions at school or extracurricular activities. Chicago children may sustain injury or even be killed while playing sports, on playgrounds, or scootering or biking or walking to and from their schools. Now there are additional risks kids face because of COVID-19 and its variants. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently asked parents across the country to “Think Safety First” in recognition of issues that could come up in connection as children return to school.

Safety Considerations

One of the CPSC’s critical safety tips was to urge your child not to text or talk on the phone while walking. Drivers do not always consider the presence of children even on residential neighborhood streets during the hours that children go to and from school. There were 4600 ER injuries related to walking while distracted on the phone from 2019-2020.

Another important safety consideration is your child’s safety helmet. A safety helmet should be worn in connection with riding a scooter, skateboarding or biking to school. The CPSC release specified there were 144,100 bicycle injuries treated in the ER from 2017-2019 to children under age 16. It is necessary when playing football. Use of a safety helmet can prevent serious brain injuries under certain circumstances. You should check and make sure your child’s safety helmet is adequate and up to safety standards. Tragically, some recalls only occur after a child is catastrophically injured. When that is the case, it may be appropriate to pursue damages in a product liability lawsuit.

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On September 1, 2021, United States Consumer Product Safety Commission announced that TurboSKE toddler bike helmets had been recalled. Around 860 units had been sold. The reason that these helmets were recalled was because they present a risk of head injury to small children. While this specific recall involved TurboSKE toddler bike helmets, as a parent you should be aware that other helmets kids wear have presented dangers and been subject to recall and warnings in the past. Traumatic brain injuries, skull fractures and other head injuries can dramatically alter a Chicago child’s future.

When your child wears a helmet that is defective such that he or she sustains serious injuries, you can pursue damages by filing a lawsuit. It’s important to retain an attorney who understands how to present your case persuasively to manufacturers, insurers, mediators and the court. If your child suffered head injuries in a bicycle accident and you suspect it was the result of manufacturing, design or marketing defects in the bike helmet being worn, you should call the experienced and compassionate Chicago-based product liability attorneys of the Moll Law Group.

As a parent in Chicago or another city, you may delight to teaching your toddler how to ride a tricycle or bicycle. Helmets are an important part of a parent’s instruction on riding a bike safely. Frequently, parents also put helmets on toddlers because the toddler is riding on a seat on the back of the parent’s own bicycle in traffic. A negligent driver of a larger vehicle may cause an accident that results in catastrophic or even fatal head and neck injuries. It is tragic when a child unknowingly wears a defective bike helmet and gets into a serious collision or spill.

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