CPSC Imposes Mandatory Safety Standards for Hoverboard Toys
One of the most popular gifts on everyone’s Christmas lists last year was a hoverboard. These devices appeal to everyone, from kids to adults, and offer a chance to see what futuristic travel might be like. For all the ads and articles about hoverboards, however, it seemed like there were just as many stories about users suffering severe injuries while using the devices.
Recently, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), a federal agency tasked with overseeing product safety and consumer health, issued a letter that essentially made the existing voluntary safety standard for “self-balancing scooters” a mandatory set of requirements. The voluntary standard is known as UL 2272 and primarily focuses on the device’s electric drive train, rechargeable battery, and charging mechanism. The guidance is designed to test the entire device and protect against any electrical or fire-hazard safety issues.