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Illinois Injury and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog


McDonald v. Lipov: Certificate of Merit Requirements in Illinois Medical Malpractice Cases

In a recent case in front of an Illinois appellate court, a woman lost her right to recover for injuries that she claimed were due to negligent treatment by her attending physician. In the case, McDonald v. Lipov, the court determined that the “certificate of merit” requirement is strictly enforced…


FDA Proposes New Guidance on Medical Device Animal Studies

On October 14, 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration released a document providing draft guidance for animal studies used in medical device development and testing. In many lawsuits regarding defective medical devices, studies and guidance documents of this nature are used by the parties’ experts to testify about certain aspects of…


Illinois Appellate Court Discusses Medical Battery Cases and Potential Affidavit Requirement

An Illinois Appeals Court recently confirmed that some plaintiffs in medical battery claims are required to include a certificate of merit at the same time that they file the initial lawsuit. According to one news source, this was the second appeals court to require the certificate in this type of…


First Circuit Rejects Defendant’s Offer of Settlement as Mooting Plaintiff’s Claims

In many class action cases, the defendant will attempt to render the action moot by offering a settlement to the lead plaintiff. Last month, the First Circuit Court of Appeals rejected one such attempt to moot in Bais Yaakov of Spring Valle v. ACT, Inc. In this case, the plaintiffs alleged…


Illinois Wrongful Death Cases Based on Medical Malpractice Must Be Brought within Two Years of Death

Earlier this year, an Illinois appellate court decided a case holding that the time of accrual for a wrongful death action based on the legal theory of medical malpractice is the time of death, rather than the time the alleged negligence was discovered. In the case, Moon v. Rhode, the…


Eleventh Circuit Upholds Denial of Class Action in Diet Drug Lawsuit

Earlier this year, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a proposed class action based on the plaintiffs’ failure to meet a number of the four required elements of class certification. In Karhu v. Vital Pharm, Inc., the defendant manufactured and marketed a dietary supplement intended to…


California Judge Denies Class Certification In Action Alleging Unfair Prices for Prescription Meds

In Saavedra v. Eli Lilly & Co., the plaintiffs brought suit against the manufacturer of the anti-depressant drug Cymbalta, alleging not that they overpaid for the product but that they were harmed because they received a product that had less value than what they expected to receive. The plaintiffs sought to…