There have been thousands of lawsuits brought in recent years against the manufacturers of transvaginal mesh (TVM) products, which have been identified as causing severe, painful, and often permanent injuries. Multiple medical device manufacturers have developed and marketed these devices, which are designed to treat pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. What…
Illinois Injury and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog
Las Escuelas Publicas Disfrutan un Nivel de Inmunidad por Lesiones a Estudiantes
La escuelas son costosas de operar. Existen salarios que pagar, edificios que calentar, y libros y computadoras que comprar. La lista de gastos es interminable. Con tantos gastos, lo distritos escolares públicos tienen hemorragias en las costuras. Para mantenerse a flote, los administradores escolares se encargan de encontrar la manera…
Public Schools Enjoy Some Level of Immunity for Injuries to Students
Schools are expensive to operate. There are salaries to pay, buildings to heat, and books and computers to buy. The list of expenses is endless. With so many expenses, public school districts are hemorrhaging at the seams. To stay afloat, school administrators are charged with figuring out how to cut…
Jury Awards $11 Million to Bellweather Plaintiff In Wright Medical Defective Hip Implant Litigation
One of the first bellweather trials in the Wright Medical metallic hip implant litigation went to trial earlier this month, and the jury returned a verdict of $1 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages. A bellweather trial is part of a multi-district litigation (MDL). Like a…
When Food Poisoning Strikes, Compensation May Be Available
When families go out to eat, whether for Sunday brunch or a birthday dinner, they expect their food to not only taste good but also be safely prepared. This is true for the fanciest restaurants as well as the fast food restaurant on the corner. It is also true for…
Boston Scientific Issues Class I Recall for Chariot Guided Sheath Medical Device
Earlier this month, medical device manufacturer Boston Scientific announced that it has initiated a voluntary recall of its Chariot Guiding Sheath devices (CGS). The CGS devices were designed and manufactured to be used in peripheral vascular procedures. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for overseeing the approval…
Former Football Players May Be Entitled to Compensation for Head Injuries
For years, many former professional football players struggled with a constellation of neurological and mental health symptoms of unknown etiology. Many players believed that their symptoms were the result of their days on the gridiron, but clear explanations were rarely forthcoming. More recently, the base of evidence has grown to…
Mississippi Court Dismisses Medical Device Action Against Foreign Manufacturer
In Arnoult v. CL Med. Sarl, a product liability case, the plaintiff filed suit against the manufacturer of a mid-urethral sling intended to treat stress urinary incontinence. The device, called an I-STOP, was manufactured by a company based in France called CLMS, which sold the device in the United States. The…
FDA Approves First Genetically Engineered Animal for Human Consumption
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made major headlines this week when it granted approval for the first genetically engineered animal intended for human consumption. Dubbed AquAvantage salmon, the fish are designed to reach harvest maturity much faster than their non-genetically modified counterparts. The approval has many consumers leery…
Child Birth Injuries and Medical Malpractice Claims
Everybody hopes for a healthy baby. Nowadays, pregnant mothers are tested and retested for dangerous genetic conditions that can cause a baby to be born with severe impairments, and multiple ultrasounds of a baby in utero are not uncommon even during healthy pregnancies. Despite these precautions, sometimes medical errors are…