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Illinois Injury and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog


Surgical Error Cases in Illinois

Surgeries carry high risks, even those considered “routine” procedures. Patients trust their surgeons to provide them with the necessary care. However, even surgeons can make mistakes. Some mistakes have minor consequences, while others are fatal. In order to demonstrate a medical malpractice claim arising from an alleged surgical error, the…


Xarelto MDL Judge Issues Order For Limited Discovery to Proceed

For many of us, pharmaceuticals can offer a life-saving alternative to suffering from terrible conditions and injuries. In some unfortunate situations, however, certain pharmaceutical companies fail to appropriately design, manufacture, and market their drug products. One such example is Xarelto, a drug that is designed as a blood thinner. Now, thousands of…


Case Highlights the Importance of Experts in Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice cases often rely on experts who can testify about what a reasonable medical provider would have done in similar circumstances. In fact, this is often the most hotly contested issue in many cases. In a recently decided case, the plaintiff brought a medical malpractice suit against an emergency…


Whole Foods Market Recalls Pecorino Cheese Products After Positive Test for Listeria

Food recalls and food safety have been a major issue for consumers across the United States lately. When we purchase food or order food at a restaurant, we are relying on countless individuals involved in the food processing and preparation chain to use reasonable care and to ensure against contaminants. The…


Senators, CPSC Launch Investigation into Potential Cancer-Causing Properties of Rubber Sports Turf

There are hundreds of thousands of products in our modern, consumer-driven world. While many of these are products that we may select and purchase of our own accord, there are numerous other products that we are forced to encounter on a daily basis. Regardless of the circumstance, products can pose…


FDA Issues Multiple Warning Letters to Food Facilities, Organic Macadamia Products Recalled

As Chipotle locations are reopening after multiple, multi-state foodborne illness outbreaks, consumers are becoming more concerned about whether their food is safe. According to the law, a business can be held liable for failing to use reasonable care when preparing, storing, or selling food. Under a negligence approach, the plaintiff…


Illinois Supreme Court Decision Exposes Local Governments to Lawsuits

The Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision in Coleman v. East Joliet Fire Protection District brings a significant change to Illinois law. Its decision greatly increases the exposure of local public entities to lawsuits. In the decision, the court repealed the public-duty doctrine, which held that local government entities owed a…


Seventh Circuit Upholds Dismissal of Generic Drug Lawsuit on Preemption Grounds

This month, a panel of federal appellate judges upheld the dismissal of a plaintiff’s action against the manufacturer of the generic drug allopurinol, based on preemption. In Houston v. United States, the plaintiff alleged that in 2011 he was diagnosed with gout, which is a type of arthritis, and prescribed allopurinol. This drug is…