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Illinois Injury and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog


New Study Identifies Potentially Dangerous Nanoparticles in Baby Formula

A new study released earlier this month concluded that potentially hazardous nanoparticles were identified in powdered baby formula products made by Gerber, Enfamil, Similac, and Well Beginnings. According to the results, six out of six of the products that were tested contained unlabeled nanotechnologies. These nano-sized particles and structures included nano-hydroxyapatite…


Johnson & Johnson to Appeal $55 Million Verdict in Talcum Powder Product Liability Lawsuit

Johnson & Johnson, a manufacturer of controversial talc products, has stated that it intends to appeal a $55 million verdict against it awarded by a Missouri jury. The jury concluded that the product maker was liable for injuries the plaintiff sustained after using its talcum powder products, including ovarian cancer. According…


Court Finds Oral Notice Insufficient to Comply with Notice Requirement of Claim Against City

Sometimes, even when an individual has a valid claim, a failure to comply with procedural requirements can destroy one’s case. In a recent case, one man’s claim came to a halt after he failed to provide written notice within the required period. The plaintiff fell down a set of stairs…


FDA Warns that Zyprexa, Symbyax May Cause Dangerous Reaction

Earlier this month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made an announcement regarding the safety of using a number of mental health drugs. According to the statement, Zyprexa, Zyprexa Zydis, Zyprexa Replrevv, and Symbyax may cause patients to develop serious complications, such as facial swelling, swelling in the lymph glands, and…


Recent Study Highlights Risks of Emergency Surgeries

All surgeries carry some risk, but some carry more than others. Certain procedures carry high risks for complications and even death. But even when an injury or death occurs during or after high-risk surgeries, medical malpractice may still occur. Medical malpractice laws exist in order to protect patients from negligent medical treatment,…


New Study Links Proton Pump Inhibitor Medications to Onset of Dementia

A new study released last month concluded that the class of medications referred to as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can lead to cognitive decline disorders like dementia. The study involved patients who took PPIs like Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid between 2004 and 2011. The full range of pharmaceuticals covered in…


Local Government Admits Liability But Proceeds to Trial on Damages

Civil trials are often thought of as determinations about whether a defendant is liable. However, the issue of liability is only one of the issues decided in a trial. Trials also determine the amount of compensation awarded to the injured party. In a recent case against city and county governments,…