Alarmingly, the carcinogen glyphosate weedkiller has been found to exist in 60% of beans and lentils samples tested by labs working for the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Hummus and the chickpeas that are used to make it may be contaminated by high degrees of this chemical that makes up the…
Illinois Injury and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog
CPSC Warns Not to Use Loungers Made by Ningbo Tree Nest Childrens Products
Recently, the Consumer Products and Safety Commission (CPSC) warned consumers, parents, and guardians not to use certain loungers made by Ningbo Tree Nest Children Products because they pose risks of suffocation, fall, and entrapment. The warning pertained to Mamibaby, Yoocaa, DHZJM, Cosy Nation & Hyhuudth loungers. There have been five…
Sig Sauer Guns Hanging on Soldiers’ Hips Fire Without Trigger Pull
There have been a surge of shootings that may be the result of a defect in Sig Sauer P320. These incidents have happened unexpectedly and caused pain and devastation. For instance, a military sergeant was talking to his supervisor, when another soldier tried to get past him. The sergeant and…
Appalling Conditions Associated with the Boar’s Head Deli Meat Listeria Outbreak
The listeria outbreak arising from Boar’s Head deli meat this past spring has resulted in the deaths of six more people and injuries to more than a dozen more people. Reports are from across 18 states, and it’s suspected that there may be more Boar’s Head injuries and fatalities to…
Study Finds Cadmium and Lead Contamination of Dark Chocolate
A new study has found that dark chocolate and other similar cocoa items are contaminated with cadmium and lead. These metals are neurotoxins and they’ve been linked to developmental issues in children, chronic diseases, and cancer. In a sense, because they are in the soil where crops are grown, these…
Boar’s Head Deli Meats Linked to Three Deaths
There have been three deaths and fifty illnesses requiring hospitalization nationwide in a listeria outbreak tied to Boar’s Head deli meats that started in May. In response to reports that health officials had tested Boar’s Head liverwurst samples and confirmed that the same strain of listeria existed in both, on…
Joint Commission Data Indicates that 2023 Sentinel Events Approached 2022’s Record High
Sentinel events are significant medical mistakes that affect patient safety and result in severe temporary harm, permanent harm, or death. The data compiled by the Joint Commission for 2023 found that sentinel events were close to 2022’s record high. In 2023, there were 1411 reported and reviewed events. Of these,…
More Clergy Abuse Victims Than Previously Known
The Illinois Attorney General’s Office has released a 2023 report on clergy abuse. In his introduction to the report, AG Kwame Raoul laid out the numbers. The Catholic diocese in the state had publicly listed only 103 substantiated child sex abusers prior to the initiation of the Office’s investigation in…
Traces of Lead and Arsenic Have Been Found in Tampons
The average person who menstruates spends around five years of their lifespan using around 11,000 menstrual products, including tampons. A new study led by Jenni A. Shearston a postdoctoral scholar from UC Berkeley found that tampons from several brands that millions use can be contaminated with the toxic metals lead,…
CPSC Issues Airborne Beach Umbrella Warning
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a warning that airborne beach umbrellas can kill explaining that incidents with these umbrellas have become “all too common.” Wind gusts have pulled up beach umbrellas on crowded beaches and sent them hurtling towards people. The results have been deaths and serious injuries…