There are countless allergy sufferers in the United States. For many of these people, having an allergy to certain foods or insects is a relatively minor health aspect. But for others, being exposed to an allergen can result in death. Some common examples of severe allergies include bee stings, seafood,…
Illinois Injury and Mass Tort Lawyer Blog
Lawsuit Filed Regarding SoyNut Butter Spread E. Coli Contamination Amid Voluntary Recall
Food safety is one of the most popular topics in the headlines these days. Whether it is major foodborne illness outbreaks at popular national chain restaurants or contaminated food products on store shelves, consumers face serious risks when food providers and manufacturers fail to take reasonable precautions and to use…
FDA Reports Link Between Breast Implants and Cancer
Breast implants are very common and have been used as a cosmetic modification for several decades. According to some reports, breast implants are the second-most common cosmetic operation that women seek out. The most common procedure is liposuction. In 2015 alone, more than 300,000 breast augmentation procedures were performed. There are…
Resident-on-Resident Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes
Nursing home residents are protected from abuse by fellow residents under Illinois law and federal law. Illinois’ Nursing Home Care Act (NHCA) protects residents from any intentional or negligent act or omission that causes an injury to a resident. This includes abuse committed by staff members, as well as abuse committed by…
Court Finds Resident Cannot Be Compelled to Enter Arbitration After Daughter Signs Arbitration Agreement
In a recent case, a court decided that a resident’s estate could not be compelled to enter arbitration, even though the deceased resident’s daughter had signed an arbitration agreement on her behalf. When the resident was admitted to a nursing home, her daughter accepted a health care proxy designation on…
China, EU Halt Imports of Brazilian Meat Amid Probe Into Food Safety Violations and Bribery
There are many benefits that our modern food system has to offer, including the ability to ship produce around the globe so that we can enjoy some of our favorite fare throughout the year. This same benefit, however, also exposes consumers to hidden dangers. It’s not always a guarantee that…
Hidden Camera Shows Nursing Home Aides Abusing 93-Year-Old Resident
Americans are living longer today than in the past, which means that many families are forced to place a loved one under the care of a nursing home. Unfortunately, not all residents receive the care they deserve at nursing homes. Some residents are not sufficiently fed or cleaned, and some…
Fresnius Medical Care Wins First Bellwether Trial in MDL Proceeding Regarding GranuFlo and NaturaLyte Dialysis Drugs
Medical devices are intended to improve our ailments and make our lives easier. Although this is achieved in many cases, there are some instances where medical devices do more harm than good due to design defects or a manufacturer’s failure to provide adequate warnings about the potential side effects. Recently,…
Nursing Homes Have a Duty to Prevent All Abuse, Not Just Abuse Committed by Staff
Although concerns for nursing home residents often arise based on allegations of abuse by staff members, other residents can also be perpetrators of abuse. Of course, residents live together in one facility and will often interact, but a nursing home has an obligation to protect its patients—even from other residents.…
California Judge Approves $12.3 Million Settlement in Caldera Pelvic Mesh Lawsuit
A federal judge in California recently entered an order approving a $12.3 million settlement involving Caldera Medical’s transvaginal mesh product and associated insurance claims. According to the terms of the settlement, Caldera’s insurance company will provide $10.6 million in payments to nearly 3,000 members of the class, in addition to…